About Us
The purposes of our club are to:
Promote homebrewing
Encourage good brewing practices
Assist in all worthy projects for the advancement of zymurgy
Boost morale and encourage new home brewers
Promote the responsible use of alcohol

Link to MASH ByLaws
MASH was founded in 1995 by Jeff Davis, the former brewmaster at Miami Brewing Company, a local microbrewery that produced Hurricane Reef beer.
Annual dues are $40 per individual or nuclear family. All persons of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages and that support the purposes of MASH are eligible to join the club.
Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at one of the many fine beer-friendly establishments in the Miami area. Prospective members are welcome to attend. All participants are encouraged to bring homebrewed beer and an unquenchable thirst for beer knowledge.
Officers 2025

VP – Louis Jarvis

Treasurer – Rafael Dubois

Event Coordinator – Dan Smyth